Sienna Miller hearts Lindex: Press breakfast

Det var herlig med en myk start på blogg- og PR-livet etter en rolig påske. This Is PR inviterte til pressefrokost tirsdag 29. mars med presentasjon av Sienna Millers vårfavoritter. IT-jenta er også modell for Lindex-kampanjen Sienna Hearts Lindex 2016. Plaggene og tilbehøret kan beskrives som en luksuriøs, bohemsk 70-tallsmiks. Stilen passer Sienna perfekt! Hun regnes jo som moteikon for boho chic-stilen.

— Jeg liker det delikate materialet i den hvite blusen, og jeg ser for meg at jeg kan bo i den en sommer. Flare-jeansen er fantastisk og behagelig og den sitter perfekt! Dette er både klassiske og allsidige plagg med god kvalitet, sier Sienna Miller i en pressemelding fra Lindex.

Kampanjen lanseres 31. mars. Plaggene og tilbehøret selges i alle butikker og på

© Fashion in Oslo 2016 

Kathrine Sørland is the Fashion Advisor for Lindex. She loves Sienna!

It was lovely with a soft start on the blog and PR life after a quiet Easter break. This Is PR invited to a press breakfast on Tuesday 29th of March with a presentation of Sienna Miller's spring favourites. The IT girl is also the model for the Lindex campaign Sienna Hears Lindex 2016. The clothes and accessories can be described as a luxurious, bohemian 70s style mix. The style fits Sienna perfectly! She's also considered to be a fashion icon within the boho chic style.

— I love the delicate material in the white blouse, and I see myself wearing it all summer. The flare jeans is amazing and comfortable - and it fits perfectly! These are both classical and versatile clothes with good quality, Sienna Miller says in a press release from Lindex.

The campagin launches on the 31st of March. The clothes and accessories will be sold in all stores and at

 © Fashion in Oslo 2016

 Photo: Matteo Montanari / Lindex

 Blogger Kaja Marie

This is Sørland's favourite!

My favourite!

Caroline Skjelbred from ELLE

 I wore a suede leather skirt from UFF Second Hand, top from Isabel Marant pour H&M, silver earrings from Bjørg Jewellery and leather jacket from Mardou&Dean. Photo: Kathrine Sørland.