Gambit treats for next season

Haaning & Htoon

Gambit Hill & Knowlton hadde pressedag 26. april. De viste frem merker som Helene Westbye, Gant, Match, Haaning & Htoon, Surface to Air og en rekke andre. Gambits trumkort er uten tvil skodesigneren Westbye, designerduoen Haaning & Htoon og Redefine for Match, som designes av Frank Remme. Jeg ble også positivt overrasket av de flotte gummstøvlene fra Viking. Det siste vi vil tenke på nå er regn, men til høsten trenger vi dem! Linda fra Gambit snakket med de som kom innom, og sørget for at alle fikk info om godbitene på showroomet. Kanskje du liker noen av disse tingene?

Gambit Hill & Knowlton had their press day on the 26th of April. They displayed brands like Helene Westbye, Gant, Match, Haaning & Htoon, Surface to Air and several others. Gambit´s trump card is without doubt the shoe designer Helene Westbye, the designer duo Haaning & Htoon and Redefine for Match - that´s designed by Frank Remme. I was also positively surprised by the lovely rubber boots from Viking. Rain is the last thing we want to think about now, but we´ll need them in the fall! Linda from Gambit talket to everyone that stopped by, and made sure they got the info they needed about the goodies from the showroom. Maybe you like some of these things?

Helene Westbye

Hanning & Htoon

Redefine for Match

Redefine for Match

Redefine for Match



